Monthly Tarot Reading - April 2017

Welcome to my monthly Tarot reading for the month of April
This is a general reading of the surrounding atmosphere for the month. I hope you will use this information to help in your understanding of how to work in harmony with the general conditions. Think of it as the weather report for your journey - you would want to carry an umbrella if there is a chance for rain.
The month of April gets off to a rocky start beginning the first week, from April 1st-7th with the Five of Wands. This is a Minor Arcana card. Wands are the action cards with the element of fire. The Five of Wands represents conflict, moving away from comfort and stability. This is a time to make changes and break out of unsatisfying situations. Change can be difficult and that is what we get with the Five of Wands. You may find yourself loosing patience and unable to hold your tongue. However ultimately this may bring about a positive change, a fresh start and speaking your mind. The surrounding atmosphere this week may cause you (and others) to loose your temper and speak before you think so you may want to avoid situations of conflict until this passes. On the other hand it can be a time where the truth comes out and that can be very freeing. The words for this week are; conflict, renewal, boldness, rashness, and speaking your mind
In the second week of April from the 8th -15th we have the Nine of Swords. This too is a Minor Arcana card. Swords are the mental, idea and communication cards with the element of air. Don't be frightened by the look of this card it is the nightmare card and nightmares are a way to see that when we wake up, our fears disappear in the light of day. This week we look at what is bothering us, our deepest fears. It is a time to see them for the illusion they are. It can be a time of over analyzing and feeling trapped in thought. Try and engage in activities that take you out of your mind and calm your thoughts such as yoga, meditation, qigong, dance or other forms of exercise. Get out in nature, take a hike or work in your garden. The words for this week are; over analyzing, trapped in thought, disillusionment, facing fears, realization and acceptance
The third week of April from the 16th-23rd flows nicely to the Princess of Cups. Also of the Minor Arcana. The cups represent the heart and rule emotions and intuition with the element of water. After the first two weeks of a confrontational and over analytical atmosphere this week will be much lighter. Kindness and love are in the air this week. The Princess of Cups represents a childlike openness and romanticism before judgement has a chance to influence. Intuition, creativity and the arts take center stage this week. It is a good time to do anything creative. If you are in the arts pick up that brush, go to that audition, take time for music and dance. You will feel renewed and inspired. The words this week are; Intuition, creativity, love, kindness, and imagination
This brings us to the last week of April from the 17th-30th and this week we have the Prince of Swords. We end the month with another Minor Arcana card and another Sword card. The Prince of Swords is all about intelligence, communication and creative thinking. This is another week where creativity is high but this is creativity of the mind not the heart. This is a good time to make plans and set goals. Schedule that job interview this week, ask for that raise, or negotiate a sale or deal. This is an atmosphere of intellectual clarity, idealism and you will know the right things to say. The words for this week are; intellect, creativity, idealism and mastery of words
April gets off to a difficult start but as in all challenging situations there is also reward. There are positives in the most difficult of circumstances and visa versa. What are the cards saying about the month of April? I feel that it is all about bringing up the fears and afflictive emotions that keep us trapped and stagnant so that we can release them. Free ourselves from that prison and lean into the flow of life without fear or judgement.
Until next time many Bright Blessing!