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During a psychic reading, Billie will connect with your energy. She will use her psychic ability to help you on your life’s path and provide clarity. With this kind of reading, she will be looking into your personal life family, relationships, career, and friends. This can be helpful and make you aware of some blocks and issues that are holding you back.
Billie will spend the first part of the reading telling you what she is seeing in your aura at present. After that, you will be able to ask questions about what she said or have her look into a specific area. Billie will also look into what is coming up for you. Time frames can change, and because nothing is set in stone, the path you choose to take can alter the outcome. There is always free will, and what Billie sees is the direction you are headed at the time of the reading.
During a mediumship reading, Billie will connect with spirit and loved ones who have crossed over. In the first part of the reading, she will establish her connection and make you aware of who is coming forward. Billie will do her best to bring forward the people you most want to hear from, but there are no guarantees of who will show up. There are reasons for that and she will do her best to explain why, but usually the people you want to hear from do come through. Within this reading, you may be given personal information about your life.
During a psychic mediumship reading, Billie will be first connecting with your loved ones. Remember, she is reliant on the spirit world and does not decide who, for them, will step forward. In addition to connecting with your loved ones, Billie will then tap into your energy and cover the areas in which you are looking for guidance.

Prior to booking a service, please be sure to read the
What to Expect page to properly prepare for each session.

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